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Right Away

These patches are criminally good.

Here in the KNEMO Headquarters, the RIGHT AWAY patches were the most advanced pimple hitman duo in existence. Launching a detective investigation was something you would never expect for a beauty brand. That’s why we did it.

Finding manufacturers is a niche sport.

In a way, the investigation was a direct reference to our initial process of product development. I felt like a beauty detective, looking at the tiny Korean labels on niche Korean products that I thought excelled beyond reasonable doubt.

Chevron Chevron

Pictured above : us thinking about how to make this PR (not actually us).

Giving skincare a cutting-edge system update.

We search for integrity in every square inch. We demand more to make our products not just good, but groundbreaking.

A reason to exist.

We’ve seen some products get their undeserved spotlight, and a lot of products that were criminally underrated.

That’s why we felt the pressure to bring something that actually deserved to be here and receive your attention.

The best of Korea at our fingertips.

Korea is at the forefront of beauty innovation, but there is a huge gap between Korean and American beauty.

If we can show the best of Korean beauty with integrity & without cutting any corners, we consider the mission accomplished.

Signed and Sealed, KNEMO.

Pictured above : us looking for inspiration for our launch (again, not actually us)